What is IMAP?

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) allows you to access your email from the server. The emails are stored on the server and it syncs with all devices where you have your email configured. When a new email comes in and you read it on your phone, your email will show "Read" when you access your email on your laptop. 


What is POP3?

Post Office Protocol (POP) allows you to also access your email on whatever you device you have your email configured. However, the emails are not stored on any server. For instance, if you open your email client on your phone, your new emails are downloaded on your phone and is not stored on the server. When you access your email from your computer, it will not download the emails previously downloaded on your phone. 


What is SMTP?

Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP) allows your email client to send your email messages to your email server. It's also the protocol responsible for sending your message to the mailbox of your recipient email server. 


Why should I use IMAP and not POP3?

Based on the definition above, we recommend using IMAP because it allows you to sync your email messages across all devices where you have your email configured. Since POP3 doesn't store emails on the server, there are cases when you think you've lost your email when in fact, it was downloaded on another device earlier. 


Email Configuration

If you want to access your email on your phone or computer via an email client, here are the settings you'll need:

Incoming Server Settings

Type: IMAP

Server hostname: mail.zetabroadband.com

Port: 993


Authentication: Autodetect/Password (depending on your email client)


Outgoing Server Settings

Type: SMTP

Server hostname: mail.zetabroadband.com

Port: 587


Authentication: Autodetect/Password (depending on your email client)